I was loading photos to a book about our Fraser Island trip and I found this one of Tia & Elijah building sandcastles at Lake Makenzie, Fraser Island, Australia. Something about the fact that Tia is from China a few hours from the East China Sea and Elijah is from Ukraine near the Black Sea - and here they are in a small island off the coast of Australia in the Pacific Ocean building sandcastles at a little beach at this World Heritage Site . . . well, I love the whole idea of that :)
Beautiful. My husband loves to take black and whites, too. Sweet blessings, Amy in OR
That is totally awesome. The thought of them being born worlds apart and are now palying together as brother and sister...amazing...:) Is Lake Makenzie spelled that way? That is how we spell our Makenzie's name but it is an unusual spelling and impossible to find spelled that way.
I think that's totally cool too!
Beautiful picture, by the way.
Our blog: Double Happiness!
It is mind boggling... China, Ukraine and there they are... sitting on the largest sand island in the world... in the best country in the world... whoops... did I say that... what can I say... I am a homesick Aussie right now :)
The picture of health, love, freedom and peace.....that's what they are....with the ability to be ANYTHING and go ANYWHERE in the world that they ever want to go...no boundaries!
They are both sheer PERFECTION!
I love that too! What a beautiful shot!
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